Tagged: Charity


To-Do Tuesday #247 Weekly Update

Join us today for the 247th weekly To-Do Tuesday list and update. Linda hosts the To-Do Tuesday linky party and we appreciate her weekly encouragement. Thank you, Linda! To-Do for the week of March...


Two Worthy Block Drives Needing Help

This was mentioned in the Tuesday post as one of our To-Do items.  I have found two ongoing block drives that may be worth your time.  Both block drives are requesting very simple blocks...


Participating in Comfort Quilt 2019 Challenge

This will be news to Sue, but we are participating in the Comfort Quilt 2019 Challenge.  Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict has the signup open to add your name to the list of...


Doll Quilt #1 and FMQ Practice

Last week, I shared information about a great cause that is collecting doll quilts.  A Doll Like Me is a Wisconsin-based company that touched my heart and that of many other quilters.  Details may...