String Block Drive for Covered in Love

Kat at Kat and Cat Quilts is starting off the year with a bang and a block drive.  She is looking for String Blocks that are 12.5″ square and would finish at 12″.  The link I’ve shared of her website shows a great tutorial for how to make the String Blocks.  This is truly a fabulous scrap buster.  Other than the 13.5″ block she suggests you build your block from, the rest of the pieces have no size requirement.

String Block Brigade

I have never made an actual string block.  Having a broad idea of what that term meant, I read Kat’s tutorial with interest.  We have some cheap muslin that we bought YEARS ago for Sue’s first-grade class.  She used it for various summer school projects that involved teaching some sewing skills.  We would order 20 yards at a time, and somehow some always managed to come home with her.  What a great base to build a string block on, huh?!


I have an assortment of binding strips and other important key-rap that I’ve thrown into my sewing table bottom drawer.  Squeezed in on the sides are some thread cones and I riffle threw these strips whenever I need a small piece of binding.  Or a large piece for that matter.  You just never know what works until it does.

String Block Start

The cutting department has a fairly easy job for this unexpected request (meaning it is NOT on The Master List).  May I please have two 13.5″ muslin blocks from that cheap stuff that is taking up space in the top drawer?  I’ll even iron it for Sue so she doesn’t have to do that!  And maybe cut a few extras because once you get on a roll they are so easy to make.

The random diagonal line was a cinch to draw except don’t use a disappearing ink pen like I did.  It started to erase with each ironing – oops!  We even have a 12.5″ nifty ruler to easily trim these blocks once they are complete.  Sweet!

Some of these fabrics are so old, I can’t even remember what project they are from.  I did enjoy finding just the right length piece to fit the puzzle.  Overall, this project stressed me out.  I am not good at random of any sort and sometimes I cut the slanted piece the wrong way – just like when I try to paper piece.

String blocks

A few pretties to send and share the love.  Sue said she liked this whole idea once they were complete.  Might there be more string blocks in our future??  This block drive runs through the end of February so there’s plenty of time to make and mail your blocks.  Contact Kat directly or I would also be happy to share the mailing address with you if you’re interested.  (I’m hoping next month’s request is for a pieced block!  We’ll find out on March 1st.)


Join us each Tuesday for our hosted linky party called To-Do Tuesday.  Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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12 Responses

  1. Susan says:

    Great looking string block Roseanne! Wish my scraps were long enough for that. Somehow, all I have are little bits of all shapes, which is why I sew them together to make one big block

  2. Susan Nixon says:

    I thought that’s what those were when I saw them on IG! I have plans, but we’ll have to see if I get there or not.

  3. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Roseanne, Like you, I do not remember ever making a string block. I went and browsed her sight. The one thing that confused me is there have been so many patterns used for these quilts, do they accept all blocks that have been posted in the past or just the ones posted for today? I think it is wonderful that you are working on a great cause and are learning a new method! Have a fabulous day!

  4. Pat Evans says:

    I always miss Kat’s string block months because we are traveling, but I’ve participated in several of the other months’ block drives. It’s nice to be able to contribute some blocks and not be responsible for sending a whole quilt top (although some people do). I understand your frustration with string blocks. I have the same trouble with wonky blocks. Something in my brain wants to straighten the wonky.

  5. Thanks for the info. Great blocks, by the way — not so stressful, now that you’ve made a few, right? At least you are kind when asking for those pieces of muslin (please, thank you) – haha! You two make a good team!

  6. I’m with Laura’s comment…plus, this method is one of my go-tos when I just want to sew for relaxation…not limited to ‘strings’ shapes, however.

  7. Diann says:

    I’ve been meaning to make a few of these to send to Kat, too! Yours look great, Roseanne!

  8. I’ve been planning to make a couple of blocks for this string block drive. You’ll see that on my To-Do list this Tuesday. Yours turned out great! Have a wonderful day, Mary.

  9. I love string blocks — I participated last year so I’ll get a few of blocks made this weekend before our company arrives!

  10. I love how within the first month we quilters are already sewing comfort quilts and blocks. 🙂 I also love string quilts and my box of strings is overflowing, so along with an RSC quilt of strings this year, I may just have to make a top for Kat… Your block is really a cool twist on a strings block. Like you, I’m not so good with random and I almost never have just the right length of a string argh!

  11. karenfae says:

    I have so many strings that I need to use one day – I keep saying one day – I don’t know when that day will be !

  12. Laura says:

    I bet it was lots of fun sewing up those random bits of old fabric! And they will be loved not trashed…the best part! 🙂

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