To-Do Tuesday #264 Weekly Update

Join us today for the 264th weekly To-Do Tuesday list and update. Linda hosts the To-Do Tuesday linky party and we thank you so much, Linda!

I want to apologize for not being a good friend and blog visitor lately. While reading what y’all are doing is so inspiring and enabling (can you say “sharing of squirrel projects”), there are only so many hours in a day. I appreciate your patience and forgiveness.

To-Do for the week of July 5th through 11th:

  1. Finished a table runner – √ Done
  2. Resume Two and Four QAL sewing√ Done
  3. NO more – stress-free motto adherence!

To-Do #1

We were basking in the success of our housewarming gift game mat, made using Sandra’s new pattern, A Roll of the Dice. We still haven’t seen the newlyweds, but soon! Sue suggested we make a table runner using the same pattern and then, just like that, we did. It was another quick project that we made in less than a day from start to finish. I guess you might say it is a squirrel project. It wasn’t on the to-do list or even on Sue’s Master List.

I had the first starry block together lickety-split. Chain piecing made the process quick, and I was able to two-time the projects, working on to-do #2 at the same time.

It’s finished and I even found some red, white, and blue staging items. The plant is my Thanksgiving/Christmas/whenever-it-wants-to-bloom cactus.

To-Do #2

After not working on this project for months, the Two And Four pieces have seen the light of day again. They’ve been stored neatly in a cardboard shoebox. At least they didn’t get dusty! It is possible this might also become our project for the UFO blog hop later this month. If so, it will need to drop back off the to-do so you might be surprised!

To-Do for the week of July 12th through 18th:

  1. Discuss a project for the UFO blog hop that we’ve joined due on July 27th
  2. Start another runner project maybe?!
  3. Two limit list for another stress-free week!

♥ ♥ ♥

Check our sidebar or our Linky Parties page on our website for more quilting fun. Like/follow us on our Facebook page and I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram.


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15 Responses

  1. What a great table runner!!!

  2. Judy K Blauer says:

    I’ve missed reading blogs lately! Your especially! Loved that R,W,B table runner. I like your two- task limit! We all need self-care in that area. Most of us are too hard on ourselves. Hope your month is going well!

  3. Lovely runner Roseanne

  4. Nanette Chopin Cook says:

    Now that is an original design for the table runner! Very pretty! I need to make some placemats! I got out of the dungeon and went with Clay for his dental appt. There is a quilt store down the street and visited it. Nothing there I needed at $14.00 a yard!

    But I did get an idea for my placemats, and I saw PEOPLE!! Yea. I understand on the “not enough hours in a day”. Hugs

  5. Mary says:

    Your table runner is awesome. You make the best table runners and toppers!

  6. Nice to get an extra in. An UFO project sounds good, if only I could catch up – some people see food and have to eat it, I see fabric and patterns and have to have it!! It is satisfying to get out a paused project and start on it again.

  7. Linda says:

    Lol on you “not being a good friend” – that is a phrase that would NEVER apply to you. Your runner is really pretty! I’m loving the Two and Four blocks – so cute!
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday! 🙂

  8. Gail Sheppard says:

    Beautiful table runner!

  9. Chrisknits says:

    Sometimes you just need a Squirrel to brighten your day!! Squirrel away Chickadee! LOL

  10. Cheree Hull says:

    No apologies! It just happens–to all of us! I used to sit down every Tuesday morning with coffee and check in with everyone and now? I honestly can’t remember the last time I did that! Months!? I miss that time! Now I usually have to fly through and comment when I can but sometimes I have to read quickly and go on! But yes! We’re here!! (Maybe we’ll all catch up in the after-life/heaven or something!??). You just keep going with those projects! Your cactus reminds me of our rooster. He crows at all hours. ALL. HOURS. (We came home from the airport one night around midnight and heard him crow. The thing needs a wrist watch!)

  11. Rochelle Summers says:

    So happy to see your blog post. That table runner is so patriotic and I love the star fabric. I can’t remember what the Two and Four Blocks will look like but that’s more me than you. I’m glad you are keeping your weekly goals doable because then you can have time to stop and smell the flower! Imagining you aare have HOT days as are we. Hope your week is great.

  12. Fun and quick project…that table runner! Very satisfying!

    I gave my Christmas/Easter cactus to my daughter and daughter-in-law. They never bloomed until I did that. I try not to take it personally. 🙂

  13. Wendy Tuma says:

    How fun that you snuck in another squirrel, and it’s a pretty one! I’m pondering whether I want to make the Cha-Cha-Cha table runner by Atkinson Designs. I don’t need table runners . . .

  14. That’s a great table runner, Roseanne, and I have a cactus just like yours!! LOL Whenever it wants to bloom, it does! Maybe it’s a malfunction in it’s thermostat??!!! I’ve been like you as far as visiting blogs lately. I think we all have weeks like that. I haven’t even blogged for over a week. Feeling better now so I might do a list today. No stress, right?! Have a great week.

  15. That’s a great tablerunner, Roseanne! Love the pretty star fabrics. Good for you – getting the Two and Four blocks out again – that’s such a neat design. Enjoy sewing them up!

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