To-Do Tuesday #243 Weekly Update

Join us today for the 243rd weekly To-Do Tuesday list and update. Linda is the hostess with the mostest and has the To-Do Tuesday linky party. We appreciate her weekly encouragement and we thank her for that!

To-Do for the week of February 1st through 7th:

  1. Round Four in the SAHRR √ Done
  2. Continue the appliqué blocks for Colt’s quilt – √ Done
  3. Start a new baby quilt needed in April – √ Done
  4. Short list = stress-free! – √ Done

To Do #1

Wendy at Pieceful Thoughts announced the Round Four prompt just yesterday for the Stay At Home Round Round. It’s an autograph block and we took a slightly different route with our interpretation.

Since we changed direction on the project to focus on a dresser runner that needs to be skinny and long, we stretched out the autograph block. We used HRTs (half-rectangle triangles) successfully on the third try! Here is the round three layout so far, if we don’t change our minds again. As you will see below, we switched our hearts to being stacked instead of side-by-side. This is definitely becoming more of a rectangle shape for the dresser runner!

To-Do #2

Woot woot! All six footballs are complete, I am thrilled to report. The background fabric is definitely reminiscent of a closely clipped turf, real or otherwise.

Here’s a glimpse of how I appliqued the laces with white thread. White bias tape clipped to the same length is what comprises the football laces. I actually pulled out a hem ruler I had saved from back-in-the-day. I quickly learned that using fabric glue is the way to go to keep these little pieces in place while awaiting their turn for sewing. The first attempt, which used many, many pins, was not fun. Being stuck multiple times hurts, and those darn pins did an awful job of keeping the pieces laying nice and flat. Go the glue route!!

To-Do #3

Our good friends are going to be first-time grandparents in May, and we want to make a special baby quilt for the new parents-to-be. We had all kinds of ideas that weren’t concrete, but once Quilting Gail shared her recent quilt finish we knew this was PERFECT. Stop the presses . . . we both hot-footed it back to the sewing room and started pulling fabrics. Here is Gail’s inspiration piece that we think is just adorbs!

Of course, we’re making a few design changes but we thank Gail for the cute inspiration!! Want a little sneaky peek at some of the Beau Bear fabrics?? You’ll have to wait for more info . . . I’m mean like that.

To-Do for the week of February 8th through 14th:

  1. Work on the Round Five prompt for the SAHRR
  2. Do more appliqué blocks for Colty’s quilt – there are a total of 20 blocks to go
  3. Keeping working on Beau Bear baby quilt
  4. Make a mocha cheesecake for Chris’ birthday on the 13th – celebrate Valentine’s Day with our littles!
  5. This is treading towards too many items – it might become NOT stress-free!

♥ ♥ ♥

Check our sidebar or our Linky Parties page on our website for more quilting fun. Like/follow us on our Facebook page and I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram.


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13 Responses

  1. Patricia says:

    Yea! You go t your list done! Your bear quilt will be lovely! Love that pattern!

  2. The SAHRR runner is taking shape nicely. So sweet and feminine for a little Ballerina. I’m in love with those footballs and your laces are stunningly perfect. Beau Bear is going to be wonderful with those gorgeous fabrics. I loved Gail’s bear and can’t wait to see how you tweak the pattern.

  3. Chrisknits says:

    I love the idea of a dresser runner! I have had the thought of doing one for our bedroom for ages, maybe I should get on it? Love all the progress and new plans, great job on your list.

  4. Gail Sheppard says:

    I LOVE the fabrics that you’re going to use in the bear quilt!!! I’m 100% positive that with your tweeks, it will be adorable!
    I’m also loving your SAHRR!!!
    The sports blocks are looking good!
    Enjoy the Mocha cheesecake!

  5. Linda says:

    Your football blocks are wonderful, especially with that perfect background fabric! Oh that little bear quilt is darling, looking forward to seeing your version. Yum on the mocha cheesecake! Have you shared that recipe on your blog before?
    Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday!!

  6. Cheree Hull says:

    Ha, glue to the rescue! Your RR fabric is reminding me of those Speckled Whopper Eggs that come out around Easter and then the star reminded me of Peeps. LOL. (I dunno, Easter on the brain I guess?). They’re cheery fun colors! Good luck on the to-do’s. That bear quilt will be great! (Mocha cheesecake sounds awesome, btw!)

  7. Hey…it’s #4 for me! Ha, ha! Love the football block and the perfect background fabric! 🙂

  8. Firstly items on a list are there, but they can be carried over into another week if not done for various reasons so your list is good to go! That bear quilt is going to be darling. Table runner is interesting, I liked Wendy’s idea for her round. That appliqué is a lot of work but slow and steady and one day, tada! For myself while I still will do appliqué, I’ve decided its not my first love. I really love piecing side of quilting. Have a good week and enjoy the cheesecake and Valentine’s day.

  9. It looks like you’re making steady progress on both the sports quilt and the dresser topper, Roseanne! I think steady is good! And that bear design is adorable – have fun!

  10. I had to smile at myself…your #4 to do item caught my eye just like that!! Perhaps a photo later??? Anyway, lots of lovely sewing going on here!

  11. Rochelle Summers says:

    Quite a good week’s work. Footballs all done! Yeah!!! It does sound like a long list and I’m sure you’ll find the right balance and not let the stress take over. That bear is so cute and I love your fabric selections. Can’t wait to see the variations you are exploring. Have a great week. Enjoy those littles..they grow up too fast. My youngest GS turned 14 on Sunday! Hugs.

  12. That bear quilt is going to be sew cute in those colors! Mocha cheesecake sounds so yummy! Our daughter, Jeni, makes a white chocolate cheesecake that is also excellent. Sometimes when she asks Gary what he wants for Christmas, and he says nothing, that is what he gets…which is perfect!! LOL Have a wonderful Valentine celebration with your littles!! I love those football blocks too!

  13. Wendy Tuma says:

    Your bear quilt is going to be very cute in those colors! You’ve had a good week! I’m sure next week’s goals will come together easily. Mocha cheesecake – yum!

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