I Love Thursday #265 So Many Blessings

This is the 265th post of things we love for the week. We post each Thursday along with LeeAnna from Not Afraid of Color. Several additional friends also share every week – be sure to check them out as you will surely find something to inspire you. “From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:16

Love #1

Quilt in use! Grandpa Ken is reading to young Asa laying on his quilt that was gifted at his baby shower. It’s endearing to see a quilt we made in use nearly two years after it was made. It makes our hearts happy.

Love #2

Retired! Our good friend, Pat, made this beautiful picture for us. She has such a wonderful artistic eye and the sentiment she included is spot on. Blessed beyond measure, de-stressed beyond words, and newly retired. It’s a great gig.

Love #3

Pebble art! Here is the first pebble art that Pat made for us. This nativity scene stays up in our house year-round. It’s a gentle reminder that we always believe.

Love #4

Chemical reaction! Oh yes. Have you had a chemical reaction to someone you’ve met? I know I have had both a positive and a negative connection. The negative one still gives me the chills.

Love #5

Closed door! Don’t concentrate on that closed door. The open window holds the promise of fabulous things. It would be a shame to miss out.

Love #6

Our littles . . . had a nice Valentine’s Day. The headband we picked up for Addison was a huge success; she didn’t mind seeing Auntie Sue wearing it. Our day was recently full with some babysitting. What an interesting episode of Stinky and Dirty (on Prime video). Chase wanted to “push the button” on a selfie with Auntie Dew (Sue) so he did! Chasey also won a rousting game of Banana Blast. The weather in February in Wisconsin was nice enough to get everyone outside on the swings! Amazing. Finally, this masked stranger (Chase) wishes a Happy Thursday to one and all! We do, too.

β™₯ β™₯ β™₯

Check our sidebar for our Linky Parties page on our website for more quilting fun. Like/follow us on our Facebook page and our Etsy shop to see what we’re up to. I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram.


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13 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    It’s the best feeling to see a quilt you made in use. Looks like a very fun week for all.

  2. Chrisknits says:

    This kids are just so stinking cute!!!

  3. It’s so nice to see a quilt being used. Those pebble creations are great. Love them! Looks like everyone had a great Valentine’s Day!

  4. Sally says:

    It’s always good to see a well used quilt! The pebble art is cool.

  5. It’s definitely fun to see your quilts being used and loved! I love that pebble art, too. So creative! I bet your friend is always looking around for the perfect pebbles and pieces of driftwood. Cute pictures of your littles – isn’t it great to get outside in February?! I have been thankful for that here, too.

  6. LA Paylor says:

    love that pic of the baby reading… yes more of that in life please
    did you retire??? yea! you’ll be busier than ever

  7. Laura says:

    Those pebble art pieces are great! Love that artistic eye that doesn’t see pebbles, but life scenes! My favorite take-a-way in this post, however, is Grandpa reading a story. Grandpa is on the floor! Good for him! πŸ™‚

  8. Looks like you two are embracing your new R Lifestyle! And the Fam is getting extra blessings from it, too! Win, Win!

  9. Kathleen McCormick says:

    Love those pebble art pieces and how fun to see your quilt in use still. I love pics of the quilts in real life! Fun pic by Chase – he has a good eye.

  10. Rochelle Summers says:

    Thank you for all those loves. Your friend, Pat, is really talented and has a great eye for the pebble art. I love both of them. So nice to see that bear quilt being used and to see all the littles. It sure was nice to have some sun and time outdoors this week. Of course we had snow earlier in the week…but it didn’t last. Hugs and smiles!

  11. Pat says:

    Oh, my. the Littles are getting so big. Addison is growing beautifully. Always good to see a quilt loved and in use. The pebble art is lovely. Thanks for sharing … πŸ™‚ Pat

  12. Wendy says:

    Aww, fun to see the teddy bear quilt in use! What cool pebble art, too. I would leave that Nativity scene up all year round too (I haven’t taken my Nativity scene down yet – shhhh) Those littles! Cuteness!

  13. Wonderful loves today, as always! It’s always so nice to see our quilty gifts in use. I really LOVE those pebble creations. Such a sweet retirement sentiment and the nativity is fantastic. I would keep it up year round too! Love it! It’s always great to see the littles. Have a wonderful weekend, friends! Hugs!!

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