To-Do Tuesday #28 & Monday Musing

Two of our friends host a weekly linky party. Brenda at Songbird Designs has a Monday linky party called Monday Musings. Our friend Carol at Quilt Schmidt hosts To-Do Tuesday with a linky party as well. We will share our weekly updates on both of their websites.

Countdown and Walk Challenge Update:

There are only 42 days (including today!) to go in 2023! My walking stats for last week with a goal of 10,500/day:

  • 11/13 = 12,161
  • 11/14 = 13,138
  • 11/15 = 11,881
  • 11/16 = 11,421
  • 11/17 = 12,150
  • 11/18 = 11,898

To-Do for last week:

  1. Binding the five quilted items from last week
  2. Two limit list for a stress-free week

To-Do #1

Last week, we had a quilting session at our friend Carol’s house. Five items were quilted before we visited a nearby quilt shop. My mission, which I chose to accept, was to get them bound this week. Did I?

Well, sure I did! Not only did I get all the binding finished, but I listed the two penguin toppers in our Etsy shop. Thanks to our friend, Mary, one of them sold within hours (we thank her so much for that). What a surprise to see that email, so quickly.

To-Do Extra Projects – Flit About Inspired

Last week, I shared that I had tripped over (literally) a fabric kit called Forest Dwellers. It’s kind of fun, with gnomes interspersed within the pine trees. I was able to finish the center portion so all that’s left is a gray border preceding a colorful red and green scrappy patch one. We’ll lay them out on the design wall to space out all the different fabrics.

I also played around with making a sample wine glass coaster. The Quilted Cow has a weekly FB live-streaming program of samples, fabric, and quilting notions for sale. They showed a sample pair of these wine coasters and they just sparked my interest.

The process involved finding four charm pack pieces, and then a CD that I was willing to scrap and use to trace a circle. Finding the charm pack pieces took TWO days (and they still weren’t what I wanted) while locating a CD took another day. I was reluctant to use a musical CD that could actually be played again . . . if I had a vessel that could receive them. Anyhow . . . I traced the circles, folded and layered the fabrics, and quickly sewed around the pieces, and turned them right-side out.

Here’s my demo/sample wine glass coaster that needs a good pressing. The idea is that 1) it absorbs condensation on the glass, and 2) it identifies your glass when others are drinking the same wine from similar glasses. I’m not sure if there will be any more of these assembled. The jury is still out. I’m wondering if some batting might be helpful on the bottom layer to make it more absorbent and a bit heftier.

What To-Do Next Week?

  1. Make a bowl cozy and a journal cover for gifts for coworkers
  2. Finish up the gnomes?
  3. Only two – no stress!

♥ ♥ ♥

Check our sidebar or our Linky Parties page on our website for more quilting fun. Like/follow us on our Facebook page, and our Etsy shop, and I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram.


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8 Responses

  1. Chrisknits says:

    I would use some Pellon Flex Foam in the layers, it’s a bit heftier and not as floppy as batting! I can send you some if you’ve never used it. I buy it by the bolt at Joanns. Yes, I use that much. LOL Lovely runners all!!!

  2. Rochelle Summers says:

    Those table runners and the penguin table topper are great. So you went to a quilt shop but you didn’t say what you bought. Hmmmm. Those wine glass coasters are neat. It seems if you were making a bunch too help identify different wine glasses, you would want each one to be different. And those walking numbers are really coming along. You need to share where and when you walk. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving with family and friends. XOXOXO

  3. Great projects! Have fun with your week. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Laura says:

    Congrats on a very productive week and a quick sale! The Forest Dwellers are cute! 🙂
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

  5. Kathleen McCormick says:

    Love your projects and hooray for a quick sale! I have made those coasters and used a thin batting, cotton better than poly. They aren’t bad, and do protect tables, but can be a little tippy depending on the weight of the glass. Your walking is amazing! I am recommitting after thanksgiving, but may start today getting in practice…more steps than the day before is the way I start.

  6. Vicki in MN says:

    You did awesome this week! Congrats on the sale.

  7. Wendy Tuma says:

    Cute projects! Those gnomes make me smile, and those coasters would definitely be handy!

  8. You and Sue are busy bees. I’m so impressed with your output along with your walking! Do you do most of your steps indoors or out? That wine glass coaster is adorable. Love your Forest Dwellers, and your runners and penguin toppers are beautiful. Are you guys ready for Thanksgiving? I’m organized but haven’t actually done any of the work yet – eeeek!

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