Random Stuff – IG, Pieces and Pentagon

Happy Friday!  We’ve had a slow-moving storm settle over our area since Wednesday evening.  It’s given us some snow, sleet and just a wee bit of freezing rain.  No worries – just a bit annoying.  We’ve been so spoiled this winter – we cannot complain about the weather.  I’ve got just a few random things to share and thought one bundle post would work.

Random Stuff #1

Pieces from the past logo b-w

Melva’s first block was released yesterday in her slow sew-along called Pieces From the Past.  The Signature block seems like a very fitting beginning, don’t you think?!  You will find all the details in the link I shared plus her cool finished block.  Sue and I will have to put our heads together and come up with what our signature block should look like.  After a deliberate search, I found some modern fabrics for this sew-along.

Laurel Burch Basics Prism

For this Kansas Star Sampler quilt, these fabrics might be just a bit bright but they will be toned down by white.  We’ll have to see how this plays out over time and the release of the blocks.

Random Stuff #2

pentagon ball

Pentagon Stuffed Ball

I made a few of this Pentagon Ball back in 2017 when we were expecting anticipating Dominic’s arrival.  This one pictured is made from fleece fabric scraps leftover from the backing of a baby quilt and it is nice and soft and fully machine washable.  Addison loves this ball MUCH more than Dominic ever had, although now he wants to play with it because she likes it.  Naturally.


I never shared an actual tutorial for this piece when I made it back in 2017, but I did share the template.  It’s just a pentagon-shape that I drew in Word, and you need 12 of them to make the ball.


Teal Minky

Some of this lovely teal Minky fabric is leftover from Addison’s birthday Olaf quilt.  Don’t you think that might make a wonderful Pentagon Ball?  I’m going to whip up one or two because we are anticipating a new baby mid-March.

Random Stuff #3

A few friends have mentioned that they are intimidated by Instagram in general and specifically posting multiple photos at one time but not in a collage format.  New requirements for this year in the quarterly Finish-A-Long ask for your list to be shared via IG.  Here are just a few photos to show the steps.  These are taken on my iPhone but I suspect the steps are very similar on an Android.

Open your Instagram app and click on the + symbol.  You will see your photo library – select the first photo.  Next, you will click the little button that is circled in light blue in the photo above on the right.  That symbol means multiple photos or multiple pages.

Select the next photos you’d like to include and they will be numbered in the order they will appear.  When you tap Next, you’ll see your photos in order – you can still change your mind and add more with the +.  That last Next will take you to screen where you get to type the message.


Type your message here and add any hashtags, like the one for the first quarter FAL which is #2020falq1list.  As you finish items you will tag your photos with #2020falq1finish.  I usually add our blog hashtag to photos I share and activate the Facebook button.  I hope these help you and if you have any questions please just ask away!

Today is the last day of the Winter Blues Blog Hop!  Check out our Something post and the list of all the participants.

Join us each week for our linky party called To-Do Tuesday!  Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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12 Responses

  1. Thanks for IG collages tutorial. I make my photo collages using Pic Collage, but this looks like a quicker way to make them. Have a great day. Mary

  2. I am resisting another quilt along….really I am…I will be cheering you on with these lovely fabrics.

  3. Thanks for linking up! I love it.

  4. Such rich colors for your siggy blocks! And that pentagon ball looks squishy fun! I find Instagram way easier than blogging and Facebook. I love all the quilty inspiration there, especially with the hashtags.

  5. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Roseanne, I am signed up and all for Instagram, I just flat out do not understand one bit of it. So, I have never actually used it. That is why I have never done your sharing bit, sorry my brain is not thinking of the correct name. With my brain damage and memory problems learning new stuff is very difficult for me. Thank you for sharing, I am sure many people appreciate your tutorial! Have a fantastic day!

  6. Great job on this fun little Friday….you could link up the little instagram piece, and the ball tutorial when you get to it! Happy Friday.

  7. Marti says:

    I like your pentagon ball. And even though I don’t know about your quilt a long, I’ve wondered how to post multiple photos on instagram, so I’ll have to try out your instructions. I haven’t posted on instagram in such a long time, I don’t even remember how or why to do hashtags.

  8. Denise says:

    Same weather here since Wed evening and it’s still snowing on and off today. We have about 4″

  9. Just realized I’ve never thought of having a hashtag for my blog. Duh. I’ll have to start one. One thing I’d add on your short tute – after you choose the photos, you also have the opportunity to filter them, if needed – you can brighten then up a bit, or make them black and white. You can also make a list of “usual” hashtags in your notes on your phone, then copy and paste them over. Easier than typing those hashtags over and over.

  10. Colette says:

    The ball is very neat, and if you made a set you could have a juggler in the family sooner or later. Like the fabrics you picked out. Can’t wait to see what you make with Melva. Thanks for the Instagram tutorial. I use it sparingly.

  11. karenfae says:

    we have been spoiled by weather this week to so our little ice event this week was actually surprising as I kept thinking we wouldn’t get it. But we lucked out anyhow and it wasn’t near as bad as it could have been for our area but north of us got heavier ice, ours is melted already

  12. Laura says:

    The pentagon ball looks soft and fun…I bet my kitty would love it! I am not on Instagram…I think I may be missing out on a lot there, however, it is just one more thing to distract me! 🙂

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