Jigsaw Baby Quilt – December OMG Finish

December OMG and Gettin’ Jiggy

As Will Smith says in the first line of his song, “On your mark ready set let’s go.”  It’s been a long time coming, but we’re gettin’ jiggy wit it for our December OMG.  Patty at Elm Street Quilts hosts this wonderful linky party.  This is the last one for 2018, and we don’t want to miss out.  It does motivate us to get the goal complete, even without the wonderful sponsor gifts.  Thank you to Patty and the sponsors for continuing to encourage us.

Jigsaw Jiggy Jag

Jigsaw 6 rows

A long, long time ago we talked about a sweet baby quilt that never was finished.  Back in April, the Jigsaw flimsy was all complete.  We talked about writing a pattern, using EQ8 that was purchased at the end of 2017.  Fast forward to the present and it still isn’t finished although there is a draft of a pattern.  I could blame it all on EQ8 (it truly is its fault) but we’ll take the high road and not throw that software under the bus.  Quilting uncertainty was not an issue this time because I had a quilting plan in my mind!  Instead, we say we saved the best for last.  We both love this little baby quilt!

Jiggity Jiggity Jag

Anyone remember that TV show Jag?  That was the commercial for it!  Anyway, our December OMG is to quilt our Jigsaw baby quilt.  Quilt it and bind it.  If the stars are aligned, we can hope for some advancement in the completion of the free pattern for this baby quilt.  Here’s a look at the quilting – a swirl in each knob and stippling in between to move from knob to knob.  Also, a peek at the polka dot background fabric chosen for this quilt is on the right.

Jiggity Jigsaw Done!

Ta-da!  Here is the finished Jigsaw baby quilt, and the last of our 12 UFOs for the year.  We are happy to have the one in the books.  I’m thinking it might just be a great quilt to swaddle a certain Baby Girl that we are still waiting for.  Stay tuned for that pattern!

Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the tab above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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19 Responses

  1. I love this quilt. I want to make one.

  2. Terrific finish! Happy New Year. xx

  3. Oh my gosh, you are so getting jiggy with it! I love the jigsaw puzzle quilt, how fun!
    Happy New Year to you and Sue 🎉

  4. You finished!! Way to go Roseanne! That little baby girl is going to be do cute wrapped up like a perfect piece to your family puzzle❤️❤️

  5. Lisa J. says:

    I really like the fabric choices in this quilt. Some blocks stand out and others fade away

  6. Baby Girl has still yet to make an appearance?! All the more reason to keep quilting for her! Good for you for finishing this project up. : )

  7. anudge says:

    Great quilt for baby. Very cleverly made. Congrats on your finish,

  8. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Roseanne, Standing Ovation….Clapping, Clapping, Clapping

    Yeah, you both did it! All 12 projects chosen were completed! Excellent achievement and definitely to be proud of! I sure hope that I will be able to achieve this same goal next year. A blogger that I have followed for quite some time has mentioned that she plans on hosting a 12 step project next year and I said that I would sign up. I just have heard nothing else yet though, but there is still several days before the new year begins. Did you win any great prizes for your accomplishments? I also hope that you share a pattern for the zig saw pattern, it is so adorable! Thank you for sharing all of your achievements throughout the year, I have enjoyed all of your posts and look forward to each and every one in the remainder of the year and the upcoming year!! Have a spectacular day!

  9. Danice G says:

    How cute! I love the Jigsaw quilt. And so colorful too.

  10. quiltinggail says:

    What a perfect finish! Congratulations!
    Happy Quilting! 🙂

  11. Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B says:

    I love this finish and the backing and quilting are spot on!! I can’t wait for the pattern. Not that I am rushing you two…It’s not like I don’t have a zillion other “oh I want to make that” things in the queue (insert eye roll here).

  12. Kathryn says:

    Gorgeous finish, I think Baby Girl will look delightful surrounded by such a lovingly made quilt. Onwards to 2019!

  13. chrisknits says:

    It is PERFECT!!! And I bet Baby girl can always use another quilt. Love it!

  14. Shannon Fleming says:

    Such a fun quilt to finish out the year!

  15. What a happy, fun quilt! The colors are so cheerful, and the quilting is really creative — I never would’ve thought to do a swirl in the knob! Hope you get the pattern write up figured out.

  16. Patty says:

    This is such a fun quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  17. Vicki in MN says:

    Whoohoo what a great quilt to end the year of finishes with! Nice work girls:)

  18. Yippee! So nice to have the last finish of the year – well planned finish. I love this quilt and it is so much fun. I think th equilting is perfect and have always loved a dotty spotty back. Be proud – one more done.

  19. Carol M says:

    Love it… I need the pattern!!

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