To-Do #109 Weekly Progress Update

This is our 109th edition of our weekly to-do list.  We usually share this post on Beth’s Cooking Up Quilts and at Becca’s What I Made Monday website on Mondays and Christine’s Stitch All the Things and Dione’s Clever Chameleon website on Tuesdays.  Check out what our friends are sharing!

To-Do for the week of May 6th through 12th:

  1. Re-Pounce Rainy Day for quilting –  kind of done??
  2. Continue sizing and trimming t-shirts – √ done
  3. Appliqué more of the Quiet Book – oops – forgot about this goal


To-Do #1

We cleared off the island especially to have a big surface for the Rainy Days quilt.  Layering and Pounce-ing had been done way back when in November, I think.  Additionally, I was also Pounced from head to toe along with a good portion of the kitchen.  There was chalk everywhere!  Sue and I carefully unfolded RD only to find that we couldn’t see the previously chalked lines.  Yes, I wanted to possibly re-Pounce a little bit, but not the whole entire quilt top.  S.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y.  I am not down with that at all.  Very quickly Plan B was enabled as Sue did not want to listen to me complaining about that.  I may have been a bit testy lately.  Alright, I have been a LOT testy.  Here is the start of Plan B.  Woot woot – I remembered to take a photo.

Rainy Day to-do

To-Do Rainy Day quilting start

To-Do #2

Trimming and sizing are complete!  You might think another woot-woot is deserved for this accomplishment, and I would agree.  We even laid out the 25 pieces on our freshly shampooed living carpet as the pieces were too big and heavy for the design wall.  Plus there may be another Dr. Seuss project hogging up that darn design wall space again.  It seems like we may need another design wall, don’t you think?  Lots of black t-shirts in this Harley Davidson quilt!

Harley to-do

Harley to-do of draft t-shirt layout

To-Do #3

The Quiet Book did not make some advancement in the appliqué arena this week.  Honestly, I forgot this was even a goal for the week.  I was busy buying wine (see extra), and playing around most of the weekend.  So there’s that – no excuses, I forgot.


Did you have a nice Mother’s Day??  Oh yes, we did indeed.  We made a mocha cheesecake (recipe in link) for the celebration which is loved by one and all of our peeps except John.  We bought him some Peanut Butter Cups with the condition that he had to share them with Sweet Boy.  ~smile~  He didn’t get a chance to share because sweet boy was too excited to eat anything.  Most of us enjoyed a taste test between FOUR different Moscato wine varieties (only three pictured).  Interestingly enough, we did vote the dark blue bottle as the overall winner for taste and I thought the bottle was pretty.

Did you know that May 9th was National Moscato Day?  We missed it but will not next year and it prompted the Mother’s Day celebration taste testing.


Our May OMG (one monthly goal) is to finish quilting Rainy Day with a boatload of spirals.  We share this intention with Patty at Elm Street Quilts and thank her and the many vendors for the inspiration!


To-Do for the week of May 13th through 19th

  1. EEK – The 96 Beothuk HSTs must be trimmed before the next instructions come out!!
  2. Color block for May – at least read the instructions
  3. Work on Rainy Day quilting project


Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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10 Responses

  1. Christine says:

    Oh my, I’m glad you didn’t re-pounce the whole quilt! I love the spiral quilting look, so that is a great plan B to go with! And how fun to do some wine tasting for Mother’s Day! I’ll remember that about the blue bottle!

  2. quiltinggail says:

    You both keep sew busy!!! I laughed at your pounce story!!! I’ve had a pounce thingy for years and have never used it! Maybe it’ll be something I’ll try in the future!
    Happy Quilting! 🙂

  3. chrisknits says:

    2 for 3 isn’t bad at all! You will catch up with all things soon, right?

  4. Well just because you are boycotting my blog does not mean I am boycotting yours… I will tell you here too that you do not need to get all 96 done this week as we won’t be using them all this week anyhow. So take a big breath. (Don’t inhale the pounce though – that was a funny picture I got in my head of you pouncing all over yourself and the kitchen!) I love that spiral quilting, though it take a lot longer than one would think! See you (or maybe not) on Wednesday for Beothuk Star’s next step, making some blocks!

  5. Kathryn says:

    You made me smile about all that chalk, I’ve never tried pouncing! Hmm! Plan B looks perfect.

  6. … I forgot… good luck with your tasks this week!

  7. Hi Roseanne, sorry the chalked disappeared but thanks for sharing — it’s a great tip for me! I’ve never tried the Member’s Mark brand of wine so I’ll have to give it a try — I’m a big big fan of Beringer wines ♥♥
    My two youngest kids surprised me with a weekend visit/vacation. It was heavenly —just now getting home and leaving again on Thursday– I haven’t done much sewing during May 🙁

  8. Denise says:

    Wow you have a fill calendar. Good luck on your goals.

  9. Looks like you’re making progress though, Roseanne, even if things aren’t moving as quickly as you had hoped. Sorry about the chalk going AWOL, but that spiral looks like a fun idea! Hope you have a good week (I need to get my Beothuk step done too; I just finished cutting mine yesterday)!

  10. Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts says:

    Yes, that chalk doesn’t stick around like we’d like for it to. (Except in places where we DON’T want it!) 🙂 I’m glad you came up with Plan B; it’s gonna look great!

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