True Red White Blue DrEAMi
Have you ever had red, white and true blue dreams? Or DrEAMi (drop everything and make it) ideas pop into your head overnight? I know you have because those are the projects squirrels are made from. Sandra who hosts a monthly linkup at mmm Quilts and Wendy at Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life (who may also be known as the Grand Poobah of Squirrels) both regularly tempt their readers with squirrelly projects. It was no surprise to me that I had inspiration from red, white and blue during the night.
True Blue Drawer Full
Sue said to me a few weeks ago that the drawer we store our blue fabric in is at capacity. We cannot buy another thing in shades of blue. I guess you might call this drawer full; I think you could squeeze a few more things in there if the pieces were folded neatly.
That obviously made no impact at the time because I promptly purchased and we made the Dark Blue Batik quilt top. The same goes for the red drawer – no red fabric should be purchased. Perhaps Sue does have a point with the red fabric – it IS pretty darn full.
Then I had a revelation! Hey, why not make a red, white and blue table runner? Using only cute fabrics, because we do occasionally purchase an ugly fabric. Or somehow an ugly fabric shows up on our doorstep.
True Pinwheels?
Pinwheels came to mind because I think of them on the 4th of July. Spinning cutely in the wind, awaiting the fireworks and filled with excitement. That was one idea. With HSTs (half square triangles) lots and lots of fun patterns can evolve.
True Random?
Maybe just a random pattern with HSTs going in different directions. I’m not very good at doing random, but we did make this table runner for my boss in shades of beige. I see a chevron pattern when I look at this.
The HSTs were made with the idea of pairing a darker fabric with a lighter or contrasting fabric. That would be easy and quick to make as well. My midnight inspiration wasn’t that specific as to which pattern would be best.
True Decision Is Made
So, what did we end up deciding to make? Are you curious? Me, too! HAHA! Then I read a post from Sandra, with HER DrEAMi inspiration from Jessica’s new QAL. Seriously, Sandra – I’m going to stop reading your blog since you share so many DrEAMi ideas. I showed Sue the picture of just the blocks and BAM. She auditioned fabrics and here we are. We don’t let any grass grow under our feet when four-patches and flying geese are involved.
In one weekend this happened, and the quilt top picture was accidentally photographed right next to our little flag angel. How perfect is that?!
True Blue Ta-Da
No worries were shared over this piece as the quilting decision was a quick one. ~~Waves~~ are required on this piece since these are flag-inspired stars.
This piece went together so nicely and quickly that it is a true DrEAM(i) project. And it is SO easy for us to stage flag-inspired pieces – there may be more in our future. This project is also due to Vicki at Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting nagging me just a wee bit to make some table runners to list in our Etsy shop. She finally got through – thank you, Vicki!
We’ll be sharing this True Blue DrEAMI project on Sandra’s DrEAMI linkup in spite of her bad influence. Check out what some of our friends have possibly lost sleep over for their drop everything and make it design.
Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to. Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on. We would love to see them!
Hello Roseanne, Your Star Table Runner is Beautiful! I enjoyed reading your post and always get inspired with what you and Sue are creating and accomplishing! Have a fabulous day!
I’ve never heard the word “DrEAMi” but I think I’ve been doing that for years…now I know what to call it! I love your patriotic runner and the wavy quilting. I have a whole container of blues, but it seems that there is never the right color blue in there so of course I have to go shopping.
Great table runner and excellent use of stash!!
Oh, yes, I have lots of red/white/blue dreams! LOL I’m always making one, and it’s the biggest part of my stash. These are great stars and a beautiful finish!
Oh yes, I have dreams and yes they are colorful, alright. Not that I can share them here. I’d be aghast if I did anything based on my colorful dreams. Enough about me. Love the crisp colors, bold pattern and the uber neat quilting. This one is a hit, perfect for this time of the year. Wonder what you will dream of next 🙂
That’s a great table runner, and it’s even finished in lots of time for July 4 festivities. Isn’t it amazing how quickly a project comes to life when it grabs you? This one is so striking, it’s no wonder it was a dREAMi!
the grand poobah of squirrels ! I love it.
Perfect little project! I always enjoy a could red white and blue quilted piece. Your squirrels were celebrating the holiday weekend pretty hard 🙂
Very festive and perfect for this weekend. Hope you took some pressure off the drawers and have chased the squirrels away for a bit.
I think your HST project is awesome. Random and beautiful. Love the true blue stars too!
That’s so pretty, Roseanne! Now you’ve got me thinking of making something red, white, and blue, too! (Or maybe I should say *dreaming*) 😘
Very nice!!! A true DrEAMi as you say!! Well done!
Oh so pretty and I love the quilting on this. Thank you for linking up with me. Check back next week to see my newest addition for storing fabric.
Well, there you go! Using scraps and making such a beautiful runner in patriotic colors. I have a “thing” about red, white and blue because I’m an early firecracker…born on the 3rd of July! Love the looks of that block. (I think you could get a little more blue in that drawer).
I love every single thing about this runner! From me being the bad girl to you being the bad girls to the colours to the wavy line quilting. Excellent finish and I’m sure it’ll sell in no time. 🙂
Love the wavy quilting! I’ve been seeing it on lot’s of blogs this week. Your runner looks great! Vicki give great advice.
Ah, you are learning to feed your squirrels well, young one! You have a gorgeous squirrel there, and so well done and quickly made. Ugly fabric — somebody’s got to love the ugly fabric too!
Great…Thanks…now I have to make one… LOVE these blocks. thanks for the inspiration my squirrely friend! Happy long weekend.
I’m not usually attracted to R, W & B quilts per se, but this table runner grabs me. And the backing is fun, too.
Oh and BTW: that wavy quilting? That’s one of the few machine quilting designs I have mastered – looks perfect for this project.
Keep on DrEAMi (ng), Roseanne!
It’s wonderful-see I knew you could do it, that’s why I ‘nagged’ you about it, hahaha. So what will you make with the blue HST’s, another runner perhaps?
Pretty DrEAMi 😉 I love your process explained, thank for sharing your inspiration! Are the drawer a little bit less full?