Squirrelly Eye Glass Catcher

Happy Saturday and Happy 80th Birthday to Batman!  Sue is a huge Batman fan, and I’m thinking we may need to make a Batman quilt someday soon.  Here’s a fun link to a little history on our favorite comic book hero DC Comics Batman history.  Now, let’s hear about our squirrel project of an eye glass catcher.


Earlier this year, I did some quilting for Mary on her wonderful quilt top.  I was so happy to do that for her!  As a thank you, she sent over a care package that included this very cool kit.

Mary glasses

The kit includes all the pieces needed to make three eye glass catchers.  Even the pieces of metal measuring tape to make the top snap closed!

Eye Glass Fun

This project was not on the to-do list at all, or even on Sue’s THE Master list.  It is definitely a squirrel of a project – one I snuck in on last Sunday.  I was tired of sewing quilt blocks together.  The next thing up was another Dr. Seuss project – umm, no.  That can wait.  So, we set to work on an eye glass case or catcher.

Of course I forgot to take many pictures!  Isn’t that a requirement of a DrEAMi project (drop everything and make it)?!  The first step involves appliqué – in this case the eyeglass shape onto the front fabric.

Eye Glass Payback

Mary’s birthday was March 24th.  Had we not been in the middle of a sewing-room-slowdown-slump, these would have been in her hands by that date.  Instead, they got mailed to her this week along with belated wishes.  One can always celebrate one’s birthday, don’t you think?

I tested out the case and my glasses fit inside quickly nicely.  I hope Mary likes how her kit turned out!


Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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15 Responses

  1. JanineMarie says:

    At first pass, I thought the eyeglasses were printed on the fabric, but then saw they were appliquéd in such a fun way. I love that the case has a snap closure, too. What a fun eye-catching gift. And yes, birthday gifts have no time limit— it’s fun extending the celebration as long as possible.

  2. Such cute eye glass cases! It’s so much nicer to prolong the joy of a birthday that I’ve taken to celebrating birthdays for at least a week. Your timing is perfect.

  3. Those sure look like fun!!!

  4. Frédérique says:

    Great squirrel ;)) Your case is fun!

  5. I do love it! Since I’m behind in blog reading, it was a complete surprise to get the package yesterday with this adorable eye glass holder. It is a perfect fit for my glasses! The appliqued glasses on the case is SO Roseanne, and such a nice reminder that quilty friends are the best! Thanks so much, Mary.

  6. dezertsuz says:

    Thank you! I now know what a DrEAMi project is! LOL That was a fun project, and probably didn’t take TOO much time.

  7. Giggled at the forgetting to take pics because YES! you literally Drop EVERYTHING (even the phone camera ha) and make the dang thang! Love how these turned out, so cute! What a nice gift for and from Mary, and thank you for linking up with DrEAMi!

  8. chrisknits says:

    Yay for DrEMAi’s and Squirrels!! They visit me daily. LOL

  9. That looks like a fun diversion, Roseanne! I love the glasses on the outside! The little snappy closure is a great idea.

  10. Rochelle Summers says:

    Such a cute project and a great change from sewing blocks. I think we get to celebrate our birthdays for much longer than a day…and as for Batman – he’s getting kinda old!! Hope you have another fun weekend.

  11. Shanon Fleming says:

    I love that you made this for Mary. Such a thoughtful gift!

  12. Brenda @ Songbird Designs says:

    Such a fun squirrel!! Really cute project! I like to do those cases in the hoop of my embroidery machine! LOL

  13. Vicki in MN says:

    Squirrels are fun and sometimes just what we need to break up our routine!

  14. How cute is that! What a fun squirrel to play with. I’m sure she’ll love it.

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