Quarter Three Complete-Progress Update

Quarter Three Finish-A-Long Update

This year we did join in on the fun of the Quarter Finish-A-Long.  Our friend and fellow blogger, Sarah Z, at Cedar Fork, is one of the Hosts for the 2019 Finish-A-Long.  I missed the actual link up  deadline but the Quarter Four link has just opened.  That means I need another post . . . doesn’t it?!

Finish A Long

Can you believe the year is three-fourths over and the fourth quarter is upon us?  Playing along with the finish-a-long has been productive for us as we’ve finished many of the items we put on our list.

Quarter Three – Our List

Here are the items we have chosen to finish during the third quarter.  

  1. Cind-erella quilt for Addison and her grandma
  2. Harley t-shirt quilt
  3. Autumn Leaf quilted
  4. Quilt the Beothuk quilt top
  5. Table runner for Dar
  6. Quiet Book


Quarter Three Moldy Oldies

Goal #1 Cind-erella quilt for Janice and Addison is actually a pattern called Her Carriage Awaits from Carol at Just Let Me Quilt.   The quilt for our sweet baby girl has been delivered and even photographed with the two lovelies.  All the details were shared in an earlier post, Cind-erella Quilt Finished, but here is a nice picture of the two of them.


Item number two, the Harley Davidson t-shirt quilt, is complete and has been delivered.  We made it our July OMG project which greatly helped in getting the mammoth out the door.  Here’s a picture of Tim with his t-shirt quilt.

Harley Tim

The table runner for Dar (#5), the quilter who was downsizing her quilting stash, was finished.  We delivered the runner to my cousin, Vicki, and it happened to be the day after Dar’s birthday.  Hopefully, it will brighten up her new apartment that she and her husband moved to.

Dar finish

The Quiet Book (#6) project for the two littles is not complete, but it moved forward.  It’s an appliqué-heavy project that includes zippers, snaps, and ties to keep those little fingers busy.  We made progress on another page or two.

Quarter Three Non-Finishes

Both items #3 and #4, the Autumn Leaf and Beothuk have not been quilted.  Actually, we don’t even have the backing fabric for Beothuk yet.  Autumn Leaf is a project that Sue started hand quilting but turned it over to me.  I haven’t yet found a continuous quilting pattern that would easily mimic what she has quilted . . . so it may be a while before it is complete.  They may both be added to our fourth quarter list though!  One other project was completed but truthfully it was an uneventful sewing quarter.  That ONE project is our Rainbow Ripple quilt with a free pattern, and another free pattern to use up the leftover scraps.

Ripples Addi approved

Maybe we don’t need a list for Quarter Four.  Of course, we do as what fun is that if we skip it?!!  Maybe I’ll stack the list with only things that can be checked off . . . nope.  I’m not a cheater either.  Stay tuned.  ~smile~


Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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10 Responses

  1. Hi Roseanne. You made great progress on your list. I love the memory quilt! You reminded me I have the shirts for 3 to do “someday”. Perhaps next spring when I am more flexible and can wrestle a large quilt through my DSM! 🥴 Carol

  2. Lisa J. says:

    does anyone ever complete their whole list? You made great progress and I look forward to reading your new list

  3. Three projects and one of them a fantastic quiet book!!! We are on the same wave length here:)❤️❤️

  4. Pretty picture of baby and Mother – not sure – is that your daughter and grandbaby?

  5. You did great with your finishes. I struck out on 2, one got finished but not until 10/2…but it is done! Good luck with Q4 gotta get our lists going!!!

  6. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Roseanne, You and Sue always amaze me with the amount of quilting projects that you get finished every quarter! I am positive that the two of you will meet whatever goals you set! Love all of the quilts and pictures of the happy owners! Have a fantastic day!

  7. You’re quilty output always amazes me…crazy good for you!

  8. Glad I wasn’t slurping coffee when I read “moldy oldies” – haha. You are so funny. You’ll have those quilts done in soon, no worries!

  9. Vicki in MN says:

    I didn’t get one of mine done either and haven’t thought what to put on the next quarter. You did good getting done what you did as two of them were bigger quilts.

  10. I love your Qtr 3 finishes (especially the Cinderella quilt—love the pic with Janice and Addison). Your Quiet Book is absolutely adorable! Looking forward to seeing your Qtr 4 finishes. Have a great day, Mary.

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