A Little Positivity 2023 & Happy Mother’s Day!

I’ve stepped away from blogging for a little while but not from participating in a quilt-along that is near and dear to my heart. Well, not as close as our littles to my heart but I am very fond of it. The quilt-along is Positivity 2023. It’s hosted by Bernie and Preeti benefitting Mercyful Quilts. All the fabulous details can be found on Sew Preeti Quilts and at Needle and Foot. My plans to add a link on my sidebar fell by the wayside when my website won’t let me update it. Since I’m still pushing all stress away, I gave up and instead choose to share a post!

While you can read all the details on their website, I feel I need to share the start date. Memorial Day weekend! Actually, the Sunday before Memorial Day or May 28th. While I haven’t seen the actual pattern for this year, I did see a fabulous picture of Preeti and Mari (Academic Quilter who used to live near me in Wisconsin!) on Instagram. There might have been a small hint shared. Those two are fast friends and were probably up to only good things when they were together. We are definitely participating while a quilt that we’re about to get started on. Maybe you’d like to join in? If not, cheer all of us on from the sideline.

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 14th! Time to celebrate all the mothers, the soon-to-be mothers, the wanna-be mothers, the almost or stand-in mothers, the women in your life, or just the fact that it’s a great day.

How will we be celebrating? Sue’s Mom comes over most Sunday mornings for coffee, chatting, and sometimes a treat. We can count on that. The rest of the attendees is a toss up. Our open door policy means we never know who might pop in.

Here’s a picture of me, Jeannette, and Sue a few years ago (my hair was dyed so pre-COVID) one Mother’s Day. The second picture is me, sweet baby Chase, and my almost-mom older sister, Carol. This was taken last summer. Carol loves Chasey almost as much as we do – she tried to bribe him with blueberries but he was having NONE of it. Stranger danger, I guess, because he held tight to my t-shirt. I love that baby.

A Little Littles Update

Our littles are growing and learning so much every day. They are 5, 4, 3, and 2 but they’ll always be our littles. Dominic still enjoys chicken nuggets with Ranch dressing, especially at the zoo. He won’t wear anything Disney-related – those are for babies. He allows me to read to him, especially How to Catch a Unicorn. Addison likes that story, too.

Addison is living her best life. She has tap and ballet lessons once a week with a recitial coming up soon. Her younger brother, Chase, adores her. It’s good to be a princess. When Chase isn’t following Addison around, he is very busy. “No” is his favorite word followed closely by “Nope” and occasionally “Yup.” He is Mr. Independent with his ever-present stuffed Chase pup from Paw Patrol. Finally, basketball camp was attended by Colt and Dominic. The two on the right side of the last picture, they both knew they had to look at Auntie Rose for a photo. The young coach was trying to wrangle the rest for a final picture. Good luck, buddy!

A Little My Mommy

This doesn’t need any explanation. It’s just plain adorbs.

Take care, my friends. Bye for now.

♥ ♥ ♥

Check our sidebar for our Linky Parties page on our website for more quilting fun. Like/follow us on our Facebook page to see what we’re up to. I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram.


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17 Responses

  1. Carol Andrews says:

    So much love, fun, joy and laughter in this post. It’s always good to look back and enjoy those special moments with the littles and the rest of the family.

  2. What a treat to see these photos! All enjoying themselves as always. That Mom form is adorable. What a great idea for a QAL. Thanks for sharing it all.

  3. Chrisknits says:

    Your My Mommy thing reminds me of a card my oldest made for Mother’s Day one year. It talked about all these wonderful things mom had done for her, only I didn’t remember them. When asked she explained the card was for my sister! LOLOLOL!!! But I loved it since my sister is considered a 2nd mom by both of my daughters’.

  4. Karla says:

    What an awesome post! Great pics of you — before and now! Kids are definitely growing up fast and they are so adorable. I love description of Mom from Dominic! We are coming to Madison in 3 weeks for a quick visit.

  5. Nanette Chopin Cook says:

    What a happy post Rosanne! I have really missed blogging, but also going to still be up to my eyeballs in bindings until after the show. Then I hope to be inspired for new projects. Hugs Love the babies!

  6. Kathleen McCormick says:

    Love that Dominic’s mom is so young! Ha ha! Hope your day as aunties was terrific and thanks for popping back in. I think there is a dinosaur quilt too, can’t remember if I commented on that. I have been away at the apartment and then we brought our son back…a joy…but everything is discombobultated, including my website! So good to hear from you and I am going to try for the positivity QAL for sure!

  7. Soooo, Mom is a year younger than son Dominic? Kids perceptions are subliminally insightful, me thinks. Mom is a kid at heart, right?
    BTW: I like your post 2020 look better because you seem way more relaxed. Always a good thing. Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, Roseanne as you are a loving constant in your littles’ lives.

  8. Connie says:

    So cute! Love the “mom” write up…defined her really well! A very Happy Mother’s Day to all in the extended family and a hug for all the sweet little ones who make my week every time!

  9. Laura says:

    Great post, Roseanne! Love the family photos! Happy Mom Day! 🙂

  10. Rochelle Summers says:

    Happy Mother’s Day, Roseanne (and Sue). What a wonderful post. I love all the photos. We rarely see any of you and you look so happy in these two. As for those littles…they make me smile!!! And as for the blog gremlins…Well I’m sorry for that but dealing with it in your own way gave us the chance to enjoy another post from a friend. Hugs a bunch!!! : )

  11. Helen says:

    Such a loving post. Always take time for yourself, stress is nothing good for you/us. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day

  12. Melva says:

    Oh, I’ve missed you! But I certainly hope that you are enjoying your blogging break and that the extra time you have is used for quilting. <3 Blessings! M

  13. Fun to see your post today, Roseanne, and get some updates on your sweet littles! Have a wonderful day!

  14. Vicki in MN says:

    Dominic had me giggling at his answers in his My Mommy quiz;). So glad to see your post, and looking forward to seeing your QAL quilt! Have a great day and week.

  15. Such a sweet and fun post! So great to catch up on the littles! No matter how old they get, they will always be our littles, right?! Loved seeing the photos of you and Sue with her mom and you with your almost mom!! Have a great day, my friends!

  16. Wendy says:

    What a fun post, once again! Love seeing the photo of you, and of course, Dominic’s description of his mom is too cute!

  17. Michele McLaughlin says:

    Oh my gosh such a sweet post and love Dominic’s description of Mom! That was wonderful! The kids are getting so big, it’s hard to imagine they are those ages already. Glad you are keeping the stress levels at bay (or trying to). Have a wonderful day!

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