To-Do Tuesday #34 & Monday Musing

Two of our friends host a weekly linky party. Brenda at Songbird Designs has a Monday linky party called Monday Musings. Our friend Carol at Quilt Schmidt hosts To-Do Tuesday with a linky party as well. We will share our weekly updates on both of their websites.

Walk Challenge Update:

My goal is 10,500 steps per day and *20 minutes of yoga. How did I do last week?

  • 1/14 = 11,316
  • 1/15 = 11,262
  • 1/16 = 12,383
  • 1/17 = 11,650*
  • 1/18 = 11,989*
  • 1/19 = 11,855*
  • 1/20 = 11,944*

To-Do for last week:

  1. Sew the HRT squares into a quilt top
  2. Start appliqueing a project for Andrea
  3. Two limit list for a stress-free week

To-Do #1

Here’s the potential layout for the HRT. It’s been on the design wall for over a week, and we haven’t made a single adjustment to it. I honestly think we haven’t even given it a single consideration. There are six different fabrics in all but this crappy photo doesn’t show those distinctions. See that little red and green spot at the bottom of the picture. It’s the gnome runner lying in a heap. It hasn’t even been folded and I don’t care.

I suspect the layout will remain this way because I always mess it up when I sew them together. So, it doesn’t matter what our plan is because I end up making a new one on the fly! HAHA!

To-Do #2

We’re starting a wall hanging that features Sunbonnet Sue and Sunbonnet Sam figures representing each family member. Those are five blocks so we have to add four other scenes. This represents their backyard including the pink swing. A lot of time is spent in that fort and on the slide on the nice green grass. We’ve just eight more blocks to work on. More will be revealed . . .

What To-Do Next Week?

  1. Sew the HRT blocks together into a quilt top – let’s try again this week!
  2. Continue the applique project for Andrea
  3. Only two – no stress!

I am stressing myself out trying to write some of our patterns in a better format to sell. Holy cow. It is a LOT of work. Getting my steps in, doing yoga, and trying to focus on writing makes me wonder how the “H” I ever got anything accomplished while working. It is cutting into our sewing time. Good thing there’s no hurry.

♥ ♥ ♥

Check our sidebar or our Linky Parties page on our website for more quilting fun. Like/follow us on our Facebook page, and our Etsy shop, and I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram.


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9 Responses

  1. Chrisknits says:

    You amaze me with your ability to get your list small. I make a list and then just go off and do things willy nilly! LOL. Cute idea on the family piece.

  2. Ha that’s like me, I nearly always mess up between the wall and the sewing machine, Kive the idea of the appliqué for Andrea, will be so cute. I fell off the walking last week but going out this morning. Truly!

  3. You sound a lot like me Roseanne – making a new plan on the fly! That’s often the story of my life! LOL They do look good. You are doing great with your walking. I can’t wait to see more of the sunbonnet wall hanging. Your embroidery and applique on the swing set looks great! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  4. I agree with the other Laura: you’re doing great, Roseanne!
    from: your Laura!

  5. Rochelle Summers says:

    Love that quilt on the well. Those colors are so calm. And the gnomes are just spying on you. Where will Sunbonnet Sue and Sam be on the quilt? Will they appear in each square? When did you start yoga? Are you going to a class or using a video? You are doing more than you think. Progress is measured in little steps. Keep on doing what you are doing. Hugs.

  6. Laura says:

    You are doing great, Roseanne! 🙂

  7. Vicki in MN says:

    Yes pattern writing is not easy!!!!!! I haven’t even had an idea for a year of a new one. I am starting to get out for walks again, the hip and pinched nerve really cut down my walks to almost nothing. Not near 10,000 yet but I am ok with that at this point.

  8. Kate says:

    Congrats on getting your steps in last week. The HST project is really cool, love all those colors. The backyard block is really cute. Happy stitching this week. Good luck with all your goals.

  9. Wendy says:

    Those poor little gnomes . . . the HRTs are looking good, though. I am chuckling over your comment that what is on the design wall doesn’t necessarily end up as the look of the quilt – hahaha. Too funny. Could you send some of that walking energy my way – I’d rather just sew! You are doing really well!

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