Tagged: UFOs

2019 Goals Recap and 2020 Planning Party 20

2019 Goals Recap and 2020 Planning Party

It’s time to take a moment and reflect.  Reflect on the year that is almost over, and the new year that is about to start.  Turning the page on the calendar is a monthly...


2018 Goals Recap and 2019 Planning Party

It’s time to take a moment and reflect.  On the year that is almost over, and the new year about to start.  Turning the page on the calendar is a monthly occurrence but going...

Happy Labor Day – September OMG 12

Happy Labor Day – September OMG

Happy Labor Day! Happy Labor Day to all of our USA (and Canada) friends.  While the USA seems to falter and be divided in some key areas, I am still proud to live here. ...


August OMG – We are finishing a UFO

This year has been designated the year to finish up 12 unfinished objects (UFO).  The number 12 was selected so that we could earn our PHD from fellow quilter, blogger, and friend, Gail at Quilting...

Mid-year Recap on Goals & PHD-UFOs 7

Mid-year Recap on Goals & PHD-UFOs

Way back in December on a chilly evening, I wrote a post on where I hoped our quilting would head this calendar year as well as our blog.  The post was shared on Yvonne...


May UFO PHD Update

We have joined Quilting Gail in a quest to complete our PHD (projects half done) certificate.  Here is the list of 12 of our UFO projects that we shared back in December with links showing the...