To-Do #52+28 Weekly Recap Update

This is our 80th edition of our weekly to-do list.  We share this post on Beth’s Cooking Up Quilts website on Mondays, and Christine’s Stitch All the Things website on Tuesdays.  Check it out as other friends post their to-do lists as well! ~smile~

To-Do for the week of October 15th through 21st:

  1. Start quilting our October OMG – √ done
  2. Continue sewing leaves for Baby Girl’s quilt  – √ done
  3. Check Fireburst blocks – √ done

To-Do #1

Well, a picture was shared during the week of the quilting that has commenced on our October OMG project.  This “S” shaped ladder stitch is kind of fun to do.  Although I find that if I do too many without a short break, I forget how to make the “S” shape!  I have to pause, and draw the shape with my finger.  Duh!  The leaves are outlined with stitch in the ditch but they need another filler yet to be determined.  Good ‘ole stippling won out because I didn’t want to stress over it.

To-Do #2

This is a leaves, leaves, leaves kind of week.  Y’all know what they look like so I’m not going to bore you with a picture of some more tiny leaves.  Definitely more leaves are needed!

To-Do #3

Fireburst has its center block complete now!  We finished it up on Sunday afternoon and put it on the design wall.  That will allow me to stitch the blocks and rows together at my leisure.  To finish it up we need to layer it and then decide how to quilt it.  That decision has to be made before the end of the calendar year.  Plenty of time, right?!  Here is how it looks right now: Fireburst pieces  

October OMG

We did pick our Elm Street Quilts’ October OMG goal.  We posted about it last week, in this Our October 2018 OMG Goal and we selected the Las Vegas Leaves to complete.  

To-Do October 22nd through 28th:

  1. Add the binding to LV Leaves so it can be completed this week
  2. Sew more leaves for Baby Girl’s quilt
  3. Make some string blocks for hurricane relief drive

Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to.  Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on.  We would love to see them!


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16 Responses

  1. Tish says:

    Fireburst is looking amazing! I can’t wait to see it all stitched up. The rate you are going it will be finished in no time.

  2. This radial quilt design is lovely.

  3. I like the fabrics in your fireburst. Heh. I have to stop to trace out shapes, too!

  4. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Roseanne, You are marvelous at completing your goals! Do you and Sue reward yourselves in any way for these accomplishments? The success you are achieving with FMQ, which is awesome, continues to encourage me to try once again and see if I will learn more and branch out as you continue to! Each and every project that you have shared is always a pleasure to see and brings a smile to my face. I hope that you have a spectacular day today!

  5. cheriec12 says:

    The fireburst quilt is coming out great. I can’t wait to see it come together and be quilted.

  6. Ooh this already looks lovely. I am sure it will be a spectacular finish!!!

  7. Tu-Na Quilts says:

    Your Fireburst colors are great!! The quilt looks beautiful.

  8. nancyangerer says:

    Love the colors and the background of the quilt!

  9. chrisknits says:

    Looks like everything is progressing as planned. Can’t wait to see the OMG finish!

  10. Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B says:

    Hahahaha…I too have to trace designs with my finger! I love that fireburst quilt! The colors, background, EVERYTHING about it! This was a sew-along? I may need that pattern. Cuz I don’t have enough on my “Must Make” list!

  11. Kathryn says:

    Never sniff at stippling! It all looks great. I’ve been quilting a quilt but put it away for a week as my back gets too sore. Now still waiting for the batting to arrive to get on with my October OMG!

  12. kaholly says:

    Oh, wow! I love your Fireburst quilt! The fabric you chose for your background looks fabulous! Have fun quilting it! That’s quite a list!

  13. You are so right about the retracing a design! I am doing Angela Walters Dot to Dot (a few weeks behind) and there is one I just can’t get in my head. Looks like you have a nice week ahead. Enjoy it.

  14. You have a good week planned! Can’t wait to see how you quilt your Fireburst!

  15. OMG — your fireburst is gorgeous!

  16. Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts says:

    No duh! – I often have to stop while quilting and trace the design with my finger to figure out where I need to go next, or to get the shape I want. For me it’s normal, so I’m glad to know that there are other people out there as normal as me.. LOL Love Fireburst, it’s fantastic. Can’t wait to see how you quilt it!

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