Basket of Diamonds Block Pieces SAL
Our friend, Melva, of Melva Loves Scraps fame just released the sixth block in the Pieces From the Past sew-along. The sixth block already! Earlier this year I raised my hand to test some blocks for Melva and this was one of them. Then our world tilted on its axis, so to speak. I not only forgot that I had successfully tested this block, but the other blocks I was testing were set aside. Only to quickly be forgotten about, I am so sorry to say. Basket of Diamonds is the current release and I am happy to share our version.
Beautiful Basket Fabric
We selected this gorgeous bundle of fabric to use for this sew-along. I wanted to give these wonderful classic blocks a modern shove. This Laurel Birch Basics collection seems to be doing the trick, at least as far as we’re concerned.
These might seem a bit too bright to some but we are toning them down with Bella White as the background fabric. We haven’t even tapped into some of my favorites yet . . .
A little orange with an ombre effect, some swirly green, and a tone-on-tone dotted yellow – what’s not to like?!
Basket of Trimming
The basket pattern consists of half-square-triangles (HSTs) in several color combinations. You will have a few leftover triangles to add to your extra block collection . . . although none of us know what we may need for a future block! While testing for Melva, I trimmed and drew an “X” as each piece joined the layout. Satisfaction is what I feel when using my Bloc-Loc and seeing the trimmings file growing.
Basket Layout and Finish
As always, I take a moment to check the layout of the pieces BEFORE I start sewing. I’ll bet you can figure out why! You can see my three pretty extra HSTs in the photo below.
Before you know it, all the rows were sewn together and pressed. Here’s our finished block – ta-da!
Join us each Tuesday for our hosted linky party called To-Do Tuesday. Our other Linky Parties can be found by clicking the link above or along the sidebar on our website for more quilting fun – check out what our friends are up to. Like/follow us on our Facebook page and you can share your photos of what you’re working on. We would love to see them!
Thank you for linking up this week. Melva really had a great post for this block. I still love the block 🙂
I love my Bloc Lok ruler! It was the first specialty ruler I purchased and I use it often. The colors in your block are pretty Roseanne. Love your basket block!
Very pretty basket block. Enjoy your day!🌻☀
This is a lovely combination of fabrics.
I like your diamond basket! Nice colours!!
Hello Roseanne, You chose a lovely combination of fabrics to create your basket block! I have never made a basket block, so many blocks yet to try! Are there any “special” blocks that you have not made but would like to? I see new blocks all the time I would like to make, quite a few of them here on your blog, like this cute basket block! I hope that you continue to have a fun time creating these lovely blocks every month! Have a marvelous day!
Love it. I spent hours Saturday and Sunday trying to come up with a new project and baskets are on the top of my list so its funny this is the current block. Unfortunately I didn’t find the basket I was looking for and found something else to make.
Spring flowers in a pretty basket should be bright! Nice fabric choice!
Basket blocks are always a win! You’ve picked nice fabrics, too!
that is a nice bit of fabric you have there.
In my mind your pretty basket of flowers are daffodils;)
Your basket block is really pretty! 🙂
cute block — love your fabric colors and glad to see you are enjoying your Bloc Loc rulers!